I've been writing like a mofo, swimming in melodies, lyrics, harmonies, and instrumentals for the past few months, and it looks like things are finally starting to come together. Of course, I'm not even going to get into the recording, mixing and mastering crap right now, cos, between the album and the book and sifting through 15 years of writing, I'm sapped....lol. In any case, behold the updated track list below. I'm sure there will be more to add, as this will undoubtedly be a 35 track double LP.
01 From the Back
02 Pacific Bliss
03 Trailer Girl
04 Saturday (Lights Out)
05 Unlucky Me
06 Like You Like Me
07 Bare Feet
08 Soda Pop
09 Menz and Friendz
10) Honeysuckle
11) That's All
12) Carnival Ride
13) My Place on the Floor
15) Schoolboy Rock
16) Peep Me
17) Goodbye, Angel (Glitter on the Stage)
18) The Sound A Broken Heart Makes
19) Pillow Cases
20) All My Life
21) Comets and Rockets
22) Here's Your Revolution
23) Eight Years
24) Josephine Jay (Always in all Ways)
25) Seventeen
26) Them Boys
27) Yesterday Was Better
28) Blue Eyes Green
29) War Tonight
30) The Talk of the Town
31) My Sky Tonight
32) Absolutely Powerless
33) ?
34) ?
35) ?